Esential Thing For Travel

 Do you believe you're prepared for the trip of a lifetime? Whether it's study abroad, an international internship, work experience abroad, or simply a well-deserved beach session on an exotic island, the amount of preparation you do before boarding the plane will make a significant difference in your experience. Take the extra time now to prepare and plan so that you can make the most of your time abroad. Wandering through side streets and sampling local delicacies sounds far more enjoyable than worrying about why your phone won't connect to a foreign network.

Here's a checklist of things to remember before heading to the airport to help you get ready:1. Get a passport.

Before you can begin collecting colourful stamps from all over the world, you must first find a home for them. Begin your passport application several months before your flight date, especially if you require visas from foreign embassies.

While the passport process is usually fairly simple, bureaucratic issues can cause things to take much longer than expected. (P.S. If you're a student and need to book a flight soon, ScholarTrip offers discounted airfare!)

You will almost certainly need to apply in person at your local passport agency. Prepare to show proof of citizenship, an additional form of identification, and recent document photos. Before you go in to fill out that application, check with your local office for specific requirements!

Make a couple of copies of the front page of your passport as soon as you get it. Take one copy with you on your trip and leave another with someone you trust at home. In the worst-case scenario, if your passport is stolen, this will come in handy.Conduct some research to determine whether your country of destination requires a visa. If so, what type of visa will you require? Sixty percent of the world's countries require visas for any length of stay, the majority of which are in the form of a regular visitor's visa. However, if you plan to study or intern for more than a semester, you may need to apply for a student visa. If you intend to work, you will require a work visa (though you may be able to work abroad without a visa, too).

Furthermore, some countries take a different approach to the above: in the United Kingdom, there are several Tiers of visas that you must declare. In Australia, you can apply for a working holiday visa. There are numerous types of this necessary evil; find out which one you qualify for.

For visas, apply early. If you get frustrated while waiting in line at the bank, consider how long it can take government institutions in several countries to get something done. Check out our FAQ on embassies and consulates.

3. Go to the doctor.

This step may also be unpleasant, but consider how much more difficult it can be to get a check-up or a tooth cleaning in a foreign country where you don't speak the language and the "office" is an untidy corner in someone's living room. Get a medical check-up and a dental cleaning so you can run among the lions and lick those gelatos without fear in the back of your mind.

Also, make sure you have all of the necessary vaccinations. This is more common in third-world countries, where diseases like bird flu, chikungunya, dengue fever, malaria, typhoid fever, and zika are prevalent. These are not enjoyable and will disrupt your planned trek to Machu Picchu or hike up Kilimanjaro. Keep track of your shots! Try not to leave it until the last minute, as some vaccinations take a week or two to fully take effect (plus, who wants to board a plane with their arm swarming with medical bees?).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has an excellent website that provides the most recent information on vaccinations and shots that are required or recommended.

Also, make sure you have all of the necessary vaccinations. This is more common in third-world countries, where diseases like bird flu, chikungunya, dengue fever, malaria, typhoid fever, and zika are prevalent. These are not enjoyable and will disrupt your planned trek to Machu Picchu or hike up Kilimanjaro. Keep track of your shots! Try not to leave it until the last minute, as some vaccinations take a week or two to fully take effect (plus, who wants to board a plane with their arm swarming with medical bees?).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has an excellent website that provides the most recent information on vaccinations and shots that are required or recommended.

If you don't like the idea of buying and carrying around a phone card, look into your phone's SIM card capabilities. GSM phones are SIM-card compatible, which means you can use them in any country (as long as the network is unlocked). It may be more difficult with CDMA phones.    

5. Obtain insurance.

Make sure you are covered while abroad, whether it is for health security, baggage protection, or travel insurance. If you are travelling with a group, you will usually have the option of purchasing an insurance package; if you do not have your own international coverage, these are excellent options.

On's Travel Insurance page, you can find dependable, reputable travel insurance providers.

6. Create a budget.

This is especially useful if you will be studying or volunteering abroad for an extended period of time. Investigate the cost of living in that country and determine where your monthly expenses will go: accommodation, food, transportation, and entertainment. If you're just going on a personal trip, make an educated guess about how much you'll spend on hotels, excursions, dinners out, and so on.

Regardless, be realistic about your expenses and bring more money than you think you'll need. Not only because two glasses of vino verde can sometimes turn into three, but also because emergencies and unexpected opportunities always arise. Prepare yourself.

Another money-saving tip: it is usually cheaper to use your credit card abroad for larger purchases rather than bring a large stack of cash with you (street carts, bus fare, indie shops, tips). ATM fees add up quickly!

In addition, learn about the culture. If the country is more traditional, you may need to pack appropriately. You will not take a big step back if someone greets you with three kisses on each cheek.

Furthermore, learn a few basic phrases in the language of your destination country. You will hopefully learn many more words while there, but even a "ciao!" will make a good first impression (and will make asking for the loo a lot less awkward than pantomiming it).

8. Pack.

You won't need make-up in Nepal, your blow dryer won't work in Madrid, your baseball glove will probably never be used in Botswana, and you can get cheap sweaters in Ecuador. Pack sparingly! In advance, research your destination to determine what items you must bring (for example, mosquito netting or tampons) and what items you can buy cheaply there. Make room in your luggage for souvenirs!

Invest in useful luggage; unless you're going to spend your entire trip in a resort, you'll probably be doing a lot of walking on your travels (at least on weekend trips!). Get a sturdy backpack that you can easily carry around, whether you're going through the bustling crowds of London or the dense jungles of Brazil.

Also Read:

Don't forget to bring some patience and flexibility along with your sunscreen and camera!

You're ready now that you've thoroughly organized your paperwork, completed the bureaucratic procedures, dusted off that high school bilingual dictionary, and wrapped up everything you need! The adventure is waiting for you, ready to excite and challenge you. As a wise traveller, you will accept whatever comes your way, be open to learning, make the most of the experience, and conquer the world. Just don't forget to bring your passport!


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